• Slideshow Image - An Eastern Bluebird sitting on a bare branch

    Richland County Park District
    Surveying & Monitoring

  • Slideshow Image - An Eastern Milk Snake in some dry grass

    Richland County Park District
    Surveying & Monitoring

  • Slideshow Image - Two boy scouts building bluebird nest boxes

    Richland County Park District
    Surveying & Monitoring

Richland County Park District
Surveying & Monitoring

Bluebird Monitoring

Eastern Bluebird Natural History

The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small, charming, charismatic songbird in the Thrush family, which includes other common birds such as the American Robin (Turdus migratorius), Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), and Veery (Catharus fuscescens). Males are easily identifiable with their strikingly vivid, deep royal blue plumage above, rusty orange/red chest, and white belly. Females are paler overall with a grayish/blue coloration above and subdued rusty orange/brown chest.

Eastern Bluebirds are primarily medium-distance migratory birds, but some birds may be year-round residents. Their range extends from Canada during summer months down into the southern US or Mexico during cooler months. Birds in the northern reaches of their range will always migrate south during winter, while more southern latitude nesting Bluebirds may migrate a short distance south to winter or reside locally in their breeding territory year-round. Like most thrushes, Bluebirds are primarily insectivorous birds that feed on a diverse array of invertebrates, including caterpillars, grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, beetles, and spiders. Additionally, like many other bird species, Bluebirds can often be found feeding on a wide variety of berries, including sumac, black cherry, dogwood, pokeberries, hackberries, and blackberries. Unlike other birds that regularly visit bird feeders, Bluebirds prefer a flat surface, making them platform feeders.

Eastern Bluebirds prefer open habitats that have trees or nest boxes to provide cavities for nesting, but do not have a dominant shrub understory. Ideal habitats include open woodlands, meadows, prairies, and orchards. In Ohio, they can be found any time of the year. Although many migrate south for the winter, some will stick around and gather in large flocks. Flocking together is advantageous because singular birds do not have to work as hard searching for food, water, and shelter, as well as avoiding predators during harsh conditions. Eastern Bluebirds are secondary cavity nesters, meaning they are not capable of creating their own cavities, so they rely on other animals such as woodpeckers and other natural events to create cavities for them.

Reasons for Population Decline

In the early 1900's, Bluebirds were one of Ohio's most commonly encountered rural birds. Then, between 1920 and 1970, Bluebird populations dwindled to alarmingly low numbers. A bird that once was so common became a rare sight to behold. There were many contributing factors, particularly imprudent anthropogenic events along with a series of severe winters, resulting in a population decline of up to 90%. Extensive land clearing for agriculture and expansive housing development due to the ever increasing urban sprawl into rural areas led to a decrease in trees and open areas resulting in a decrease in natural cavities and ideal habitat. Over time, wooden fence posts that used to provide cavities for Bluebirds and other cavity nesting species alike were replaced with metal posts. The introduction of herbicides and pesticides, forest management techniques/philosophies (removing dead trees/snags), and the increase in feral cat populations also all were significant factors that contributed to Bluebird population declines.

However, the biggest detriment to Bluebird population decline can be attributed to the introduction of two non-native bird species: House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Both House Sparrows and European Starlings are cavity nesters and both species are highly adaptable, aggressive birds. These non-native birds outcompete native species for space. House Sparrows are small enough to fit into any size cavity that a Bluebird can, and they will always chase and attempt to kill young and adults. Starlings are larger than Bluebirds. When the right precautions are taken during the installation of artificial nest boxes for Bluebirds, ensuring the entrance hole is just the right size, Starlings can be deterred from intervening. Natural cavities present more opportunities for these non-native species to harass Bluebirds because Woodpeckers tend to create large cavities. 

Conservation: A Glimpse of Hope

During the 1970's, the North American Bluebird Society (NABS) was formed by concerned citizens and scientists to raise awareness for declining population numbers. NABS helped establish a framework for educating citizens about establishing extensive Bluebird trails and training them to monitor the bird boxes. Bird boxes were installed on trails near optimal habitat to allow for the monitoring of population size and health of the birds. The results of the program have became a story of legendary proportion. Over the course of the next 30 years, Bluebird populations not only increased to acceptable levels, they have thrived and gone from being nearly extinct to becoming a species of least concern.

The RCPD natural resource management staff and volunteers play a critical role in monitoring our local Bluebird populations to ensure that this miraculous story continues!

Eastern Bluebird Nesting Schedule for Ohio

  • Mid-February: Bluebirds return to breeding area
  • March 15 - April 15: Nest building, egg laying, and incubation
  • April 15 - May 15: First hatching
  • June 1 - July 15: Second hatching
  • August 1 - 15: Third hatching

Building Your Own Bluebird Nest Box

There are many different designs that can be used to build your nest box. "One board" nest boxes are one of the easiest designs to construct and clean. A blueprint with step-by-step instructions can be found here. Bald Cypress, Pine, or Eastern Red Cedar are some of the best wood materials to use for building nest boxes.

It is important to follow these basic steps when deciding where to install your Bluebird Nest Box:

  • Place your nest box in optimal habitat to attract Bluebirds
  • Install boxes at least 100 yards apart
  • Keep the box at least five feet off of the ground
  • Make sure to install a baffle to deter predators
  • Position your nest box with the entrance hole facing north, east, or north-east

- This avoids direct sun exposure, which runs a risk of overheating the nest box

Common Ohio Cavity Nesting Birds Nests, Eggs, Incubation, and Fledgling Times

Species Nest Eggs Egg Incubation Days to Fledging
Eastern Bluebird Tidy cup of grass, pine needles, and/or feathers Blue, occasionally white 12 - 14 days 16 - 20 days
Tree Swallow Messy cup of grass, pine needles, and/or feathers White 13 - 16 days 16 - 24 days
Carolina Chickadee Cup lined with soft grass, moss, plant down, and/or hair White with brown speckles 11 - 12 days 13 - 17 days
Tufted Titmouse Same as Chickadee Same as Chickadee but larger 13 - 14 days 15 - 18 days
House Wren Untidy cup of twigs lined with grass Same as Chickadee 12 - 14 days 12 - 18 days

The Eastern Bluebird Nesting Cycle

Anatomy of an Eastern Bluebird Nest Box

Reptile Monitoring

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