• Slideshow Image - Hemlock Falls surrounded in lush green overgrowth

    Welcome to
    Hemlock Falls

  • Slideshow Image - A young boy staring up at a large mossy rock face

    Welcome to
    Hemlock Falls

  • Slideshow Image - A waterfall cascading down lush green cliffs

    Welcome to
    Hemlock Falls

Welcome to
Hemlock Falls

A hidden gem of natural history

Hemlock Falls is a beautiful waterfall in the Richland County Park District, close to Mohican State Park. Even though it’s difficult to locate, the hike to this nearly 100-foot waterfall is worth the trip! The hidden waterfall is located in Butler, Ohio.

For thousands of years, since the last glacier left Richland County, there has been water cascading over a series of graceful falls amid mossy sandstone cliffs; along the jagged edge of the Mohican River valley, where an ancient stream tumbles through the broken earth.

For roughly the last 200 years, the place has been called Hemlock Falls. Even though the Falls has a significant presence on the timeline of Richland history, to go there is like stepping out of time altogether.

There is a primal natural beauty to Hemlock Falls that is completely transporting. Being at the falls is like being in another world, or at least, leaving this world for a while. Visit this natural beauty and many others today on NCOLC's Clear Fork Valley Scenic Trail.


5360 Bunkerhill North Rd

Butler, OH 44822

Trail Hours:

Every Day: Dawn - Dusk