• Slideshow Image - A close-up shot of a Spotted Lanternfly sitting on a leaf

    Richland County Park District
    Current Issues

  • Slideshow Image - A group of beech leaves with blemishes from Beech Leaf Disease

    Richland County Park District
    Current Issues

  • Slideshow Image - A close-up shot of an Emerald Ash Borer sitting on a leaf

    Richland County Park District
    Current Issues

Richland County Park District
Current Issues

This is not an exhaustive list of current issues. For more information visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) or the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA).

Emerald Ash Borer - A small but destructive exotic beetle native to Asia
Beech Leaf Disease - A lethal disease afflicting our native American Beech Trees
Asian Longhorned Beetle - An exotic wood-borer insect native to Asia
Ticks - Blood-feeding parasites that can pose a serious health risk to pets and humans
Eastern Coyote - A non-native but well adapted carnivore
Bobcat - A recovering native feline population