• Slideshow Image - A Monarch caterpillar on a Milkweed leaf

    Richland County Park District
    Bio Blitz

  • Slideshow Image - Bright purple New England Aster flowers with yellow centers

    Richland County Park District
    Bio Blitz

  • Slideshow Image - A small Red-Backed Salamander near a riverbed

    Richland County Park District
    Bio Blitz

Richland County Park District
Bio Blitz

Have you ever wondered what that fascinating insect or unusual flower that you saw in the park was?

Or maybe you just found something really cool and wished you had someone to share it with. If this sounds familiar, consider joining one of the RCPD's All Taxa Biotic Inventory (ATBI) Biodiversity Projects, also known as a "Bio Blitz". Found on the iNaturalist.org website, the RCPD's ATBI Biodiversity Projects are an opportunity for all levels of naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts to share, learn, and interact with like-minded individuals. As a fantastic byproduct, the iNaturalist site allows users to contribute to an ever-growing body of knowledge documenting the biodiversity that RCPD parks have to offer. Capturing and recording this information is crucial to the protection and preservation of our natural resources for the enhancement and benefit of future generations. So if you enjoy visiting RCPD parks, take a few minutes to check out the site, and, better yet, register and try posting a few pictures of your own!

How to Create an iNaturalist Account

Go to iNaturalist.org and click on "Sign Up" to create an account. If you would like to be able to access iNaturalist from your iPhone or smartphone, the iNaturalist app can be downloaded on both the Apple App and Google Play store. Once you successfully create an account, you can find the RCPD's ATBI Biodiversity Projects by clicking on "Projects" at the top left of the page, or by following the ATBI links below.